Events & Workshops
Check out these past and upcoming events. So much learning!
Nerdy Chicks Rule:
KidLit Summer School
The Plot Thickens
July 20 - August 14, 2015
The 'Nerdy Chicks' (Kami Kinard, Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen, Marcie Colleen, Dawn Young and Leeza Hernandez) truly RULE! I took their summer school last year on Building Character and it was awesome. This year, it's The Plot Thickens. Can't wait! And psssst!! It's FREE!!! Get out! Really? YES!

SCBWI Carolinas
Fall Conference 2015
When / Where:
September 25 - 27, 2015
Charlotte, North Carolina
Your Story, Your World: A Celebration of Diversity in Children's Literature.
This was my first writing conference and it was everything I hoped it would be! Awesome diversity panel, networking, and very informative author and agent sessions. I am so glad I went!
When / Where:
July 21, 2015 6 - 8:00 pm
Chapel Hill Public Library,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Presented by author Katy Munger of the North Carolina Writers' Network. Plot structure and book pacing: Learn how to use various tools to create the "architecture" for your book.
These tools will help you:
Present your plot to readers at a pace they are accustomed to
Develop lifelike characters that take up appropriate space in the story
Build an outline that lets you dive in and start writing whenever you have even a little time free
Let's do it!
When / Where:
February 29 - March 28, 2016
Headed by Dr. Mira Reisberg of the Children's Book Academy, along with author Hillary Homzie, this course is designed to give tips, instruction, and examples to wannabee Middle Grade writers. I'm excited about the line up of outstanding contributors that include agents, editors and fabulous authors. Hope to meet you online!
Kweli Journal
1st Annual Children's Book Conference
When / Where:
January 21, 2015
East Harlem, New York
and via Skype
Coordinated by the fabulous Laura Pegram, this first conference honored the legacy of Walter Dean Myers by celebrating diversity in storytelling. The conference consisted of author readings, panel discussions, one-on-one pitch sessions (I got Cheryl Klein - squeeee!) and a reception (for those there in person). Several Native writers, including me, Skyped in to give our views as the diversity discussion unfolded. Laura's money is definitely where her mouth is in making scholarships available and also in going out of her way to include a good number of Native writers. Special thanks, also, to Debbie Reese of American Indians in Children's Literature for suggesting my name to Laura. This was a great networking opportunity - a Cherokee writer and I have befriended each other as a result of this conference and I got great feedback from Cheryl Klein. How much better can it get?
When / Where:
April 18 - May 29, 2016
I am excited to be participating in this course by award-winning artist and author, Maya Gonzalez and School of the Free Mind, whose motto is "Children's Books, Peace, and Radical Self-Love. How can you go wrong with that? Every year, the class has a different focus; this year's focus is Native American children's literature. In that capacity, I'll also be contributing to the course by Skyping in as a Special Guest! It will be a wonderful experience. Please join us!
Writer's Digest Webinar: How To Be A Writer Without Losing Your Mind - Balancing Work, Life, and Craft with John M. Cusick
When / Where:
November 19, 2015
This live 90-minute webinar by instructor and agent, John M. Cusick was informative and helpful. Topics included:
Techniques for blancing writing time and your day-to-day life
Tips for staying focused when distractions demand your attention
How to set up a mental and physical space for writing
How to deal with your internal critic
Participants also received a critique by John of a one-page query letter! Very useful!
When / Where:
June 29 - August 7, 2015
Headed by Dr. Mira Reisberg of the Children's Book Academy, along with Kelly Delaney, Random House editor extraordinaire. I was very fortunate to be a scholarship participant (thank you, Mira!). I learned a lot through this course.
When / Where:
February 2-4, 2017
WriteOnCon is a three day online children's book conference packed with blogs, vlogs, pitch sessions, Q&As, critique forums, and tons of other goodies!

Revising and Re-Imagining Your Picture Book Manuscript
When / Where:
February - March, 2017
Six wonderful sessions with Harold Underdown and Eileen Robinson focusing on the revision spectrum from the big picture level to the word level! This course teaches techniques to help find problems with your manuscript, reshape it, and polish it. Awesome and just what I need!