I am a SCBWI Carolinas member, a member of the Sappony tribe, and work in the public schools as a Reading Teacher. I live with a big, goofy, loving Golden Retriever who constantly brings me dirty socks and sheds enough for three dogs. He also loves a good book.

When I was about seven, I wrote a book, Twink, the Circus Monkey, using huge index cards, a stapler and a fat red pencil. I can't remember what Twink did except swing from a very high bar, but I do remember how happy it made me to be an author.
I also built forts, explored the woods and played with my dogs. I still do those things. Not the forts part. Okay, maybe the forts part. After many years away from writing, I couldn't stand it anymore and wrote Talent, which won Lee & Low's 2014 New Voices Honor Award. I may also be addicted to peanut m&ms.